21 January 2013

What a busy few days!

Hello everyone!

What a busy busy busy week it has been! This will be a long post! Ha ha x

Firstly my friend Robyn gave birth to her beautiful baby girl, Erica on Saturday. I was fortunate to have been her birthing partner alongside her hubby and it was amazing! She had been in hospital for a few days before as she was induced on Wednesday morning but that wasn't working, so by Friday night the hospital had decided that it was time to kick it all up a notch so confirmed that Robyn would have a drip (not sure what it was exactly) to speed things up a bit.

Blimey, did it do just that! Loz and i left the hospital at around 10:30pm on the Friday night and by our return at about 11am on Saturday Robyn was already 3cm's! Fantastic! We were thinking at that rate the baby should be with us by maybe 7pm?

The next step was for Robyn to have an epidural. That was awful. I don't know what was going on but something wasn't going right and Robyn was in a lot of pain. So much so that unfortunately both Loz and i came over all faint and i had to lie on the floor! Oh it was funny, i think even Robyn cracked a smile! She was then measured at 5cm's so it was just a case of waiting... or so we thought!

Loz and i went to have something to eat at 1pm and when we got back the midwife was trying to pop a catheter in but Robyn started to have some huge contractions so the midwife had to stop. Robyn was checked and was found to be ready to push! We could not believe it! Robyn was such a dude, she pushed Erica out and i was amazed by how well she did. I was so impressed with her. Lots of tidying up and cuddles followed and little Erica and her mummy are now both safe and resting at home.

It was bloody brilliant!

Oddly now that i have witnessed birth first hand im not afraid of it. I had not really thought of it actually, but whilst i was there, and in the aftermath i thought that i would be able to do it, i will just have to follow Robyn's example and i know that i will be ok.

Onto something different now... Phil and i went to our seminar at Bourn Hall last week and it went really well. There was lots of waiting around though and we had to get there for before 2pm even though we didn't go into the room until 3pm... bit strange? I also thought it would be a bit more involved but it only lasted about 40 minutes.

It went through everything and Phil said at the end 'you knew all of that anyway didn't you?' which i did so in one sense it was a bit of a waste of time. However, it was nice to go and see the clinic and meet a few people, take in the location etc.

We left with a pack which included photocopies of the presentation and loads of forms to fill in and sign (which i love doing!).

Lastly, not long now to go until our consultation on the 25th, that is at 9am so it means that we will have to be up at 5:30! My sister lives 4 miles from the clinic so we may well be taking up her offer and staying with her!

We are really looking forward to the consultation, although my weight is being so irritating at the moment so i doubt we will be having the IVF with my February cycle. Hopefully it will be a good enough BMI for Friday though.

We can only hope...

Take Care All xxx

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