14 October 2013

4D Scan!

Hello Everyone!

Time needs to seriously slow down! It is getting ridiculous now! I don't understand how it has been almost 3 weeks since my last update! We had our 4D scan 2 weeks ago but it feels like it was done yesterday?! It won't be much longer and this pregnancy will be over... for the moment though I am enjoying all of the kicks and jabs this little one is giving me. Even the ones that hurt!

So a few things to catch up on since my last post... the most fantastic being that we had our 4D scan at Bourn Hall on the 1st of October! Driving to the clinic was so exciting, it was such a nice feeling to know that we were going back to the place where our miracle began.

The lady who was performing the scan for us was so lovely, it is an expensive extra to have done but I think it was totally worth every penny. It should usually last 30-40 minutes in total, with the option to buy a DVD of the scan for an extra £35. We were still undecided as to whether we were going to purchase that, and told her that we would see how baby behaves first.

So the scan began at 10:15 and straight away Phil and I were amazed by Dave, she was perfect! Unfortunately my placenta is Anterior, this means it is at the front of my womb rather than the back, which means that Dave is using it as a pillow. Therefore it is covering most, if not all of her face. This then means that the photos would not be as brilliant as you would hope for, but I think they are still fantastic:

Dave was being a right pickle and was clearly asleep so the lady said that we should have a drink and some biscuits (all provided!) and have a walk round the grounds so she could try again in a few minutes. She had another lady coming in at 11am for a quick scan and then we could go back in.

After about 20 minutes we were back in the scanning room and although Dave was still in an awkward position, with her face firmly wedged into my placenta, she was awake! As a result of that we got some movement and were about to see her open her mouth (we saw her gums, so cute!), stretch and turn her head and play with her hands. Most of the time her foot was up next to her head, crazy child!

In total we were in 4D mode for about an hour and a half!!! The lady gave us 31 photos of Dave and a short DVD of her with no extra charge. She said it was because Dave didn't really move about much so it would not be fair charging for it. When we got home we watched the DVD and agree that whilst it isn't fantastic it still has a few brief moments of amazement.

I am so glad that we had the 4D scan in the end, not only was it beautiful to see Dave, it also helped calm some fears of mine. I was able to see that her face was normal, and that she had fingers and toes, something that they don't look for in regular scans. It also means that when we think about her, and imagine her in my tummy we can imagine a real face, rather then a grainy black and white 2D image.

There are a few things coming up in the next couple of days. On Thursday I have a 32 week appointment with the consultant, my mother in law is coming with me bless her. Then on Friday we have our first Antenatal Class, all very exciting! Also on Saturday we should be receiving our new choice of furniture from Mama's and Papa's! Just need to get the SilverCross stuff picked up so we can build it and then hopefully get her room organised!

Phil put up the curtain pole and we hung her curtains at the weekend, it is looking a bit pink in her room! Well... all except a lovely little brown rocking horse called Buddy that was lovingly owned by my niece Caitlin and nephew Jack. He is so gorgeous and I can not wait until Dave is able to enjoy it too!

Things are becoming increasingly more real, especially as I have now started packing my hospital bag and have washed and ironed all of her clothes, sheets etc. We are starting to become very excited about her imminent arrival!

Until next time...

Take Care All x

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